Cyber Core

Stabilize. Align. Comply.

这种全面的网络安全项目管理服务可帮助组织采用框架并管理网络安全战略, governance, and reporting for less than the cost of a full time employee.

Our way of handling cybersecurity keeps things steady, follows trusted industry guidelines, and makes sure changes in the team don’t mess things up. This helps us meet what regulators want, keeps stakeholders feeling good, and makes sure customers trust us. 我们利用明升体育app下载经验和工具来制定一个有效的计划,并确保您的数字资产安全.

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网络安全项目的常见问题包括缺乏战略, limited governance, or poor culture.

Are you meeting expectations?

Federal & 国家执法社区正在进入网络安全领域,寻求采用监管期望.
网络安全保险公司正在成为采用安全控制的主要驱动力, with increasing levels of assessments, control implementation, and tracking.
Investors & Customers

Key Ares of Focus and Today’s Cybersecurity Challenges:

High Demand for Cybersecurity Resources

As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, there is a rising demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals. This demand often outstrips supply, 使组织脆弱,需要可靠的解决方案.

Frequent Turnover in Cybersecurity Leadership

The cybersecurity sector sees significant turnover, 特别是在关键角色,如首席安全官(cso). 这种人员流动可能导致网络安全策略的不一致和组织安全漏洞.

Emerging Compliance Issues

With regulations evolving rapidly, organizations struggle to keep up with compliance demands, 因为他们往往缺乏领先于法律和监管变化所需的专业知识和资源.

The Need for Real-Time Status and Dashboard Reporting

Stakeholders, including boards and investors, 越来越需要组织网络安全态势的最新信息. 这种对实时数据和报告的需求正在成为组织透明度和信任的一个关键方面.

Single Point of Failure in Cybersecurity Leadership

对个人cso或网络安全领导者的依赖往往会在组织的网络安全战略中造成“单点故障”. 这种依赖如果没有得到充分解决,可能会带来重大风险.

外包网络安全功能可以提供无数的好处. 它提供了访问具有不同专业技能的专家团队的机会, 确保网络安全战略的连续性,尽管领导层发生变化, 并有助于驾驭复杂的合规问题. Moreover, 它通过将责任分配给整个团队而不是个人来解决单点故障问题, enhancing the overall security posture of the organization.

Cyber Core: Comprehensive Program Coordination

  • Multi-Year Strategic Plan: Program charter, oversight committee, framework alignment
  • Annual Tactical Work Plans: Annual plans within the multi-year strategy
  • Current & Target State: 评估现状,确定目标状态,整合改进需求进行登记
  • Stakeholder: Reporting for investor and customer oversight
  • Regulatory: Reporting for regulatory oversight
  • Insurer: Reporting for insurer compliance requirements

Is Cyber Core right for my company?

  • Does your organization have a long-term cybersecurity strategy?
  • Has your organization had turnover on their cybersecurity team?
  • Do you have a multi-year cybersecurity strategic roadmap?
  • 你的网络安全路线图是如何向利益相关者(监管机构、
    insurers, investors, customers)?
  • 你知道你们主要的信息技术和网络安全投资是什么吗
    look like for the next 3 years?

If you answered to no to any of these, we can help.

Client Scenario


An organization is facing regulatory scrutiny, a class-action lawsuit, new requirements from its cybersecurity insurance provider, and stockholder scrutiny because of a recent data breach incident. 该组织每两到三年就会经历网络安全领导层的变化,并且没有一个长期的战略计划来管理其网络安全计划.


该客户与LBMC Cyber Core合作,通过全面的方法来增强其网络安全态势. The engagement encompasses a thorough risk analysis, aiding in the development of a multi-year strategic roadmap. We help the organization with trusted cybersecurity standards, 监督和协调针对数据泄露的改进机会, and ensuring compliance with regulatory, insurer, and stakeholder requirements. 建立有效的网络安全计划的核心组成部分, 通过技术测试验证控制效果(Advance Guard), 全面报告战略和战术努力是这一伙伴关系的组成部分.


After the organization engages the LBMC’s Cyber Core program, 民权办公室进行了调查,发现该组织符合进行风险分析的要求,并对分析结果作出了充分的回应. The class-action lawsuit was settled. 这家网络安全保险公司发现,该组织已经实施了建议的控制措施. 组织董事会成员和领导层现在对LBMC制定和协调的多年网络安全战略充满信心. 该组织现在与广泛接受的网络安全框架保持一致

Cyber Core and Advance Guard Add-on Components

  • Audit and Validation: 确保组织控制有效地发挥作用,并确认符合法规, insurer, and stakeholder expectations.
  • Business Protection Integration: 管理漏洞、网络防御和业务流程保护. Validate workforce effectiveness against threats.
  • Current State Assessment & Target Establishment: Identify the current state of your program and risks. Establish continuous assessment and response programs.
  • Foundation, Governance, & Program Management: 网络安全计划章程,监督委员会,框架调整,角色 & responsibilities, multi-year strategic roadmap, annual tactical work plans, comprehensive improvement coordination.

Cyber Core Team Leader

Link to Van Cyber Core

Van Steel

Shareholder, Cybersecurity

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Contact Us

201 Franklin Road
Brentwood, TN 37027

Phone:  1 (844) 526-2732

Office Hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday-Friday

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1869
Brentwood, TN 37024-1869

605 Chestnut Street, Suite 1100
Chattanooga, TN 37450

2095 Lakeside Centre Way, Suite 220
Knoxville, TN 37922

Louisville, KY:
325 West Main Street, Suite 1600
Louisville, KY 40202

Charlotte, NC:
3700 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 175
Charlotte, NC 28273

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